Borderlands 3 Difference Between Easy and Normal

Please help me understand "Easier" vs "Normal" difficulty settings? Surely this shouldn't be an option when playing online?

I'm a little confused about the difficulty setting in BL3, namely "easier" or "normal" options. I can understand there being difficulty settings in a solely single player game (which I guess this can of course be played as a single player game if you so wish).. but considering so much of the endgame in borderlands revolves around teaming up with others online and taking down hard bosses etc. together, who would otherwise be too difficult to take down as a solo player, why would we want a difficulty setting? I've not gotten to lvl 50 yet so I don't know for sure that there are Raid Bosses in this game as of now, but whatever the endgame content is, I assume its meant to be difficult and pose a challenge in exchange for that sweet endgame loot. But I feel having an easier difficulty kind've defeats the purpose of the more difficult endgame content and the satisfaction you might get from taking down say a big raid boss with your friends if some your team mates that you have connected up with online just had an easier time against the exact same raid boss than you did because they played it on the "easier" difficulty and you played it on "normal", yet they still get the same rewards? Like why would anybody play it on normal in the end game if there is people running around earning the exact same loot as you from Raid Bosses etc. but having an easier time doing it because of their difficulty setting being on "easier". Kinda seems like it makes your extra effort for playing the game on "normal" difficulty pointless? In the interest of fairness, I think difficulty in a loot based game like this should be consistent across the board, at least when playing online. If solo play is your thing and you like the easier difficulty at end game for that reason, that's perfectly okay! But maybe keeping the easier difficulty restricted to offline play only would be a fairer way to do this? And online would be locked to "Normal"? Otherwise I cant see why anyone would want to play on "normal" knowing that the people you're playing with may be playing on "easier" and are having an easier time taking down the boss yet get rewarded the very same as you. Maybe I'm weird but it doesn't make sense to me, if this is the way it is, I think I would rather just play a different loot based game where I know everybody is at least on an even playing field rather than essentially being able to toggle on and off a "stat buff" whenever they like. Thats not how I would like endgame BL3 to be. For me it just defeats the purpose of grinding to get that powerful build if the people around you don't have to try as hard. But its also possible that this is not the case at all though, I would love if somebody could let me know that my understanding of all this is all wrong and people cant just play "easier" alongside their teammates who are on "normal" difficulty? Or maybe "easier" is already restricted to offline play only?! That I would have no prob with! Please let me know anybody who may have a better understanding of how this works. Sorry for rambling so much but I didn't really know how to explain this. I hope it makes some sense. Thanks for reading.


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